Thursday, February 2, 2012

Trojans drop close contest with Glenbard South

On Tuesday night, the Trojans started the second half of the conference season. They had lost to the Raiders earlier in the season by 17 pts. Tuesday night was a battle that went down to the wire. In the end however the Trojans found themselves on the losing end 61-59. Danny Leach was the leading scorer on the night with 21 pts (1 reb, 1 stl). Chris Ridolphi chipped in with 15 pts (6 rebs, 4 stls, 5 assists). Matt Morrison had a solid game with 10 pts (4 rebs, 2 blocks, 1 stl, 1 assist). Connor VanderBrug (7 pts, 7 rebs, 2 assists), Tyler VanderBrug (3 pts, 4 rebs, 2 stls, 7 assists), Luke Davidson (3 pts, 2 assists), Matt Robinson (2 rebs, 2 assists) and Aaron Snoeyink all made contributions in the game. The entire team brought a strong positive energy and made a strong push to try to pull out the win but the Trojans came up a little short.

The Trojans will next play on Friday night at Illiana Christian. Please come out and support the Trojans. It is Illiana's homecoming so the place should be packed. We would love to see a great turnout from the Trojan faithful. We really appreciate the support.

On Saturday night, the Trojans will have their service project at a local PADS church in Elmhurst. The Trojans will be working setting up beds and serving some of the homeless in the Elmhurst area.

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