Monday, January 5, 2015

Day 2 - long day of togetherness

 We had a very busy day today in sunny California.  We feel very fortunate concerning the weather. We understand at home it has turned quite cold as well as the fact that the weather here in California has been a bit on the cool side the last couple weeks.

We began our day with breakfast and then headed out to coach DeKoekkoek's old high school for basketball practice.  We were very touched by the incredible hospitality of our Christian brothers and sisters at Ontario Christian.  They even had a welcome sign at the entrance table to the gym.  The guys were happy to get in a gym and play.

After showering the guys walked around the corner to have lunch at well-known In And Out burger.  

After lunch we drove to Hollywood and walked around a bit.  I took the picture below of the famous Hollywood sign and because of the glare from the sun, I didn't realize until later the cross on the mountain to the left of the sign.  I thought that was pretty cool.

We were fortunate enough to meet Pastor Ken Korver at the Ucla women's basketball game. His daughter plays on their team. Pastor Korver is our contact for one of our upcoming service projects that we are excited about.  We will also worship at his church on Sunday.  The picture below is on the campus of Ucla by the Bruin mascot.

We finished up at home with devotions with Brett Kwasigroch and Riley Chapman leading. We were very tired from our long day in the vans.  We did make note that yesterday evening and tonight we were frustrated that we hit major traffic on a highway coming home. The reason was that an accident had occurred which had shut down some lanes of traffic forcing us off the highway and extending our travels.  At first we selfishly thought about the "bad timing" that we had to get on the highway right after the accident had happened. Upon reflection, Perhaps it was God's timing to keep us safe. 

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