Sunday, January 11, 2015

Worship at Emmanuel Reformed

We started the day at home with a nice breakfast cooked by Coach Van Dyke?  

Eggs, bacon, pancakes, and fellowship before church.

We attended Emmanuel Reformed church in Paramount.  This is the same church we worked with through their Compton initative ministry.  The guys were excited to see Jeudy and Tyler who were our leaders at the work sites.  We enjoyed our worship time together.  

Pastor Ken Korver gave a strong message on the Lord's Prayer.  It was a great challenge to rely on God's word and then expecting His will to be done.  Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done. 

It was also exciting to hear Pastor Korver talk about a prayer breakfast he had with the mayor and administrators of neighboring Compton.  Aja Brown is a Christian woman who wanted to do some type of mission work in Compton.  Instead she was talked into running for mayor and won the election by a landslide.  She became the first female mayor elected in Compton.  It is really exciting to see the leadership of Compton spending time with Pastors praying for their community.  There is a real strong sense of change in their community and we appreciated the story which built on our previous experience.  We had a great time worshipping together and were very impressed with the amount of ministries and involvement of their membership.  Thank you very much Emmanuel and Pastor Korver for helping us set up service this week.  Thank you also to Jeudy and Tyler for your leadership.

We spent the rest of the day hanging out together at the house.  We grilled out and watched some of the football games.  We closed the evening with devotions.  Our devotions this week have been very inspirational.  Each of us has taken turns telling us our stories and sharing experiences and favorite bible verses. We have used this time to also follow up and talk about the days experiences.  We closed the evening breaking up into small groups for prayer.  I have truly enjoyed this week together getting to know these young men better and having these shared experiences.  

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