Sunday, January 24, 2016

Trojans lose close contest to IC

On Friday night the Trojans traveled to Elmhurst rival Immaculate Conception. The first quarter saw both teams open the game with 3 pt baskets.  IC was able to win the quarter 21-16.  The final 3 quarters would be played pretty evenly.  The Trojans fell behind by 12 late in the 3rd quarter but would battle back to tie the score at 55. The Trojans would briefly take the lead on a 3 pt basket by Jonny Strube (15 pts, 4 assists, 2 steals) but IC would answer with a 3 of their own and hold on for a 67-60 victory.  The Trojans Trayvon Williams (16 pts, 5 Rebs, 2 assists, 3 stls) and Joey Davidson (12 pts, 1 reb) would both score in double figures.  Contributions on the scoresheet also came from Ben Lodewyk (5 pts, 4 assists, 4 stls, 3 Rebs, 2 blocks), Mitch Evenhouse (8 pts, 4 assists, 2 steals, 1 reb), Jared Rhiner (2 pts, 3 assists, 3 Rebs), and Josh Caver (2 pts, 2 Rebs). 

The Trojans have a busy week with home games on Tuesday vs Wheaton Academy and Friday vs Illiana Christian. Game times are at 7:30 pm.  On Saturday, the Trojans will travel to a shootout in Fulton, Illinois. They will face Clinton, Iowa at 4:00 pm.  Please keep coming out to support the Trojans!

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