Saturday, January 7, 2017


We started off the morning with a good practice at Northwest Christian School. After we practiced we headed over to CCV (Christ Church of The Valley) a mega church in Arizona which has seven campuses spread out over the Phoenix area. Some of the guys helped CCV set up tables and chairs for their Junior High worship center, while others helped clean their sports facilities. After we helped the church we attended the 6:00 PM worship service.  This is one of the five services they offer over the weekend at the main campus. After the service we sat down and had a very inspiring challenge from the founder and senior pastor of the church Pastor Don Wilson. Pastor Don Wilson really inspired all of us with his talk and challenged all of us to be better leaders for the kingdom of God, and to reach those around us. 

The team with Pastor Don Wilson

 A few pictures of CCV's beautiful campus.

Joey Davidson

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