Monday, January 9, 2017

Gods beautiful creation!

Yesterday some of us decided to get up extra early and go to CCV church to hike the hill and be at the cross on top at sunrise.  We did a prayer walk while hiking up the hill and just sat in silence at the foot of the cross as the sun came up over the horizon.  It was a wonderful experience to join hands and pray together around the cross and share our experiences. 

Halfway up the hill there is a tomb to symbolize Jesus being placed there after his death.

This is the sign inside the Empty tomb.  He is Not Here. He Has Risen!  This was very powerful to experience this. 

Coach LeGrand, Coach DeKoekkoek and some guys at sunrise at the foot of the cross!
We feel very blessed to have such a powerful experience together.
The rest of the day was spent relaxing and enjoying a great day in Arizona!

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