Saturday, January 7, 2017

Grand Canyon

Yesterday was a day to experience the BEAUTIFUL CREATION OF GOD!!!  We left early in the morning and traveled to Northern Arizona to see the Grand Canyon.  Of the group only a few had experienced this before.  
The first difference we experienced was the weather change as our area in Southern Arizona had been mid 60's the day before but we were now back in 30 degree weather with snow and cold winds. Once we walked up to the canyon the words can't properly describe the beauty.  I don't think the pictures do it justice either.  We were filled with AWE and AMAZEMENT.  The canyon is 277 miles long and 18 miles wide in the longest spot.  
We spent some time together and enjoyed Gods beauty!


We then took a very scenic drive through the mountains through Sedona.  This is another beautiful area.  

We ended the night taking in a high school game and finished the night once again with some powerful devotions.  We drove a lot of miles today but it was such a wonderful experience. 

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